Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Project Trouble

I'm working on a blog about inexpensive activities to do with babies and small children, and it's becoming harder than I thought. There are a lot of lists of activities to do with small children out there, but not so many for babies. The poor things are destined to be bored, if they're anything like my daughter. She has already figured out how her toys work, and is only entertained by them for a few minutes at a time, sometimes half an hour if I'm lucky.

I'm beginning to understand how people end up with their living rooms so full of toys it's impossible to tell an adult lives there. I really don't want to be one of those people!

Anyhow, since birthdays and Christmas are coming up, if anyone needs ideas for what to buy her, I made a list:
  • books, especially the cardboard ones that she can't destroy
  • baby CDs that aren't annoying. She loves classical music, so the Baby Einstein CDs are great.
  • clothes. She's in 18-24 month sizes right now and about to hit a growth spurt, so if you're buying for fall and winter, please get at least 2T or 3T.
  • toys that don't make noise!

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